Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jammin' in the Kitchen

I pick up my six string and strap it on because I know I won't sit still when he's on the move. I start strummin' and follow him into the kitchen. Eventually I sit down so he can play too. He mutes the strings with his hands. My strums become drums. I keep singing to the beat. He checks out the tuning pegs. I fear that he might cut his hands on the string endings sticking out, but he never does. Sometimes he'll groove up and down to the songs but not today. He's too busy digging in drawers that we've unloaded and replaced with toys. Eventually he's overcome with a tantrum and the music must die.

"What, those bands touring around? You think that's the Stones, man? You think that's the Who?
Robots, man."

-Eric Bogosian

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