Saturday, January 30, 2010


As I write this, Jack is glued to the television watching the DreamWorks' movie "Madagascar" for, oh, maybe the TWENTIETH TIME since we checked it out at the library! In fact, we have renewed it twice now. Before "Madagascar", Jack couldn't have paid less attention to the television. Now we seem to have a regular couch potato on our hands. Not only does he love Madagascar, but also seems to love all TV, including commercial spots.

This rapt attention span to TV has also made us acutely aware of the exceptional amount of casual swearing on television, prompting us to put on "The Sound of Music" last night after all we found on was reality shows depicting raunchy children who shouted 4-letter words at parents who cowered in fear from their 8-year olds. We thought a nun who whips the seven Von Trapp children into shape by teaching them to sing was more of the kind of reality we wanted to promote. And actually, based on the dad that Jack hangs out with all day, it kind of is his reality--excepting the nun part.

But I digress.

I have to admit, besides the concern that he is becoming a little TV spud (and who isn't during long cold Minnesota winters?!) there is a guilty pleasure in being able to write this entire blog entry without interruption. And, it is darn cute to hear him pronounce, as clear as a bell, the 4-syllable word "Mad-a-gas-car!" See, he is learning things! How many other 23 month olds know about the island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa?

OK, he might have googled that.

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