Monday, March 1, 2010

Crack-a-lakin! Where have we been?!

It has been awhile since we blogged! We had a busy last week welcoming in the unexpected early arrival of Jack's first girl cousin on my family's side. Out with the blue and in with the pink!

While the new tiny one was keeping her mom and dad busy, we were lucky to get to watch Jack's cousin O who is 4 months younger than Jack. The first day at our house had me playing an unfamiliar role of stay-at-home mom. Let's just say that the job is NOT for sissies! Jack and O kept me on my toes with their team-up toddler style. One would yell "Kwacker!" which would cause a chorus of "Kwacker! Kwacker!" until the kwackers were distwibuted.

And naps?? Forget about it. Although both exhibited signs of excessive sleepiness, as soon as I would get them into bed, one of them would break the silence with a giggle which would infuse both of them with uncontrollable giggles and lead into prison-break style escapes from the bed.

I may have had a small glass of wine at the end of the day.

On other subject, one of the biggest complaints I have is that there are not very many pictures of Jack with me. SOMEBODY is always forgetting to capture us on film--er--digital media. (and judging by the scruffy photo below it is clear why there aren't many pictures of me around. Luckily, the cute factor of Jack will keep your eyes averted).

A couple of Sunday's ago Josh splurged and bought us the endangered Sunday newspaper. According to the media, everyone knows that the newspaper is on its way out. I'll admit we canceled our own subscription a couple years ago.

Here is our bid for keeping the printed word alive...lazy Sunday mornings with comics and coffee!

1 comment:

Jess said...

I don't think you look scruffy at all! You look like you are enjoying a relaxing Sunday morning. I love how intensely Jack is studying those comics.