Friday, March 12, 2010

Up! with Pizza

It finally happened...we had our first family movie night! The three of us watched the Oscar nominated movie "Up" while munching on $5 pizza from Little Caesars.

First, let's talk about the pizza. The nostalgic draw of a favorite brand from my youth (Pizza! Pizza!) seems to be making a come back in 2010. Curiosity won over my usual staunch au natural food values and we were soon on our way to pick up our franchised dinner. (And it is hard to resist a coupon for $5 pizza--PLUS free crazy bread!) The pick up was amazingly quick (any illusions of fresh, hand tossed pizza are now definitely out) and the pizzaria was an easy find as it was lit up like a sassy new nightclub, complete with rotating spotlights in the sky. The pizza was edible--the crazy bread doughy and pasty. Jack gave his endorsement "It's good!" My biggest disappointment (I expected the mediocre flavor) was that Little Caesars has lost its signature square shape from the 80s! It's just not the same.                        

Our next stop was to our favorite Redbox to pick up a $1 movie. You can't beat checking out an Oscar-nominated film for $1. If only I had invented Redbox...genius.

These two simple ingredients: pizza and a movie made for a perfect family Friday night. (and for less than $10!) As the movie was finishing and I was gazing at my adorable toddler and passed out husband it made me think about when I was growing up and used to imagine what my own family might look like someday. I would have the world's most adorable kid(s) and the world's most handsome husband and live in a fabulous mansion.

Two out three isn't too bad.

P.S. I recommend "Up" to all families with kids or not. It is a wonderfully sweet and original film.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Sounds like a perfect evening!